Cloud-Based Product Document Management
Designed by engineers, for engineers. Sign Up for Kenesto TrialWhat is Kenesto?
Kenesto is a robust cloud-based product document management system.
Kenesto was designed by engineers for engineers and designers, delivering a robust solution for small- and medium-sized companies, especially those working in a diverse ecosystem with many types of documents. With the Kenesto Drive service on a PC, CAD and other applications work directly with the cloud documents just like a local drive, always ensuring access to the most current document. Kenesto provides the necessary tools needed to easily share, view, collaborate with external users, manage permissions, create versions, and lock documents for day-to-day work. Kenesto provides engineers and designers the power, simplicity, and flexibility beyond consumer cloud storage solutions such as Dropbox, and a great alternative to complex and expensive traditional PDM systems.

Secure Document Sharing
Kenesto lets you work the way you want from anywhere. It takes care of sharing documents across people and teams seamlessly, delivering more control than a shared network drive. Kenesto is not just a backup and storage service, it is an engineering work platform that provides PDM-like features to get your job done faster while working in a virtual team environment

Designed with Engineers in Mind
Kenesto provides a simple, yet powerful solution for engineering documents; storage, sharing, document management and versioning features with tools for virtual teams to work together. Kenesto makes your engineering design job easier. You get the benefit of a cloud based document sharing while working on files locally on your desktop and the advantage of engineering features such as, versioning, exclusive editing and vaulting. You can be rest assured you are always working on the current document whether you are working from the Kenesto Drive or from Kenesto web.
Kenesto Drive Service: Your Virtual Local Drive
When you create a Kenesto account, it will let you install a service (Kenesto Drive) on your computer that creates a drive just like your C: Drive. Use the K: Drive just like you use your C: Drive. The main benefit here is that there is no difference in how you access the documents whether from K: Drive or from the web. They both access the current document. Kenesto Drive service provides advanced features such as sharing with others, access controls, current versioning, who’s editing a document, and document status directly from the Drive in real time. You can download and install this service directly from the Kenesto Web account after you log in.

Built for Engineering Teams
Kenesto is built to handle the requirements for engineering and design teams. But it is simple enough to be used by any organization for their document and sharing needs.
Kenesto Is All About Your Documents
If your work is document centric where you create, manage, and share documents, you are at the right place. Kenesto gives flexibility and power to manage documents at a very granular level while keeping an audit history of changes made to the file such as: who has edited or viewed the file, etc. .. You can add tasks based on a single document, add discussions, assign tasks to groups, track history of changes and share. It is that flexible.

Managing Engineering Documents Has Never Been Easier
With Kenesto Drive service and Kenesto Cloud, your engineering team inside or outside of your company can work as they want. Whether they prefer to work in a “workspace” or “folder” setting, communication has never been easier.

Sharing Documents With People Outside of Your Organization
It is always a problem when members of your team are not part of your organization. Kenesto provides many levels of flexibility to handle such situations. Members can have company accounts, personal accounts, or not have accounts at all. Kenesto handles all of these cases when sharing documents, either as task assignment or simply sharing.

Document Version History
You have two options of creating new versions of documents. From within Kenesto Web, you can create a new version regardless of the application the document was created in. With Kenesto Drive service, you are automatically pushing documents to the cloud and working with the current documents in the cloud. By saving the document you are automatically creating a new version of the document. Anyone that you have shared the document with will automatically see the current version of the document in real time. You can always make an earlier version current with simple steps and without losing the new version.
Exclusive Document Access While Editing
When you are editing a document, the document is locked exclusively for you to make changes. If the document is shared with others they cannot edit the document, they can however view it in a read-only status. When you are finished, others can see the status in both Kenesto Drive and Kenesto cloud in real time.

Document Vaulting
You can vault a folder in Kenesto Web or Kenesto Drive service. You can turn vaulting on or off at any time. Documents contained in the vaulted folder now have check in and check out functions. To make changes, you check-out the document. When done, you check the document back into the vault. The status of the document is visible in real time. This works the same way even if you are working with Kenesto Drive service. The document is always available in read-only mode when checked out.
Multiple Workspaces
Workspaces allow you to organize project data and communicate quickly to teams. Whether you are hosting discussions or working on documents the efficiency of a workspace enables you to share once with the team and get your job done quickly. You can work with multiple projects and multiple teams, there is no limit.

Tasks: Get the Job Done
When you have many people working in the same project or workspace, how do you manage what gets done. Kenesto has complete tasks management where you can assign to users; tasks can be linked to any documents, designs, models. You can even add documents to tasks, start a conversation and everything to get the job done.
Discussions on Any Item
You can attach discussions to any item such as a document, task, or report so that you never lose all that went into getting the job done. Discussions are archived and searchable.

Kenesto has made managing various engineering and business processes simpler with its ad-hoc and flexible workflow. You can design your own processes with a simple graphical interface right on the web, create workflow templates, and use them across your organization.
Kenesto chat lets you chat right from within Kenesto web interface so that you can work with others to fix issues without leaving Kenesto. It is convenient and simple.

Data Forms
Kenesto has a forms editor that allows you to build a form from an HTML editor or directly in the forms builder itself. Attaching forms to a task assignment allows you to capture input from individuals or the team with one form. Forms can be saved as data records and archived for future reference.
Data Bill of Materials (BOM)
Engineers need to refer to a parts list from time to time. This ensures that you have a complete deliverable which keeps everybody current including your supplier, manufacturer and other team members.

Kenesto gives you tools with an easy to use interface to build any report from within the system. You can get insight into various aspects of documents, tasks, workflow and any part of your data, processes and uses.
Kenesto provides simple permission control, with two levels of users in mind: admin and standard. Admins can add users and control company settings. Company settings include: adding a company logo, setting company-wide session timeouts, setting company-wide document policy control, advanced security: turning on or off requirements for logging in to the K Drive when offline or online, encrypting files in the drive and 2-step verification. Admins are also able to turn modules on or off for company-wide use such as: discussions, tasks, workflows, data, templates, and reports. Documents are always available.